Announcing Our New Partnership
Reliable Staking has agreed to a formal partnership with Cardano Dan! There are many reasons we’ve decided to take this step.
As many of you know, we’ve been a reliable Cardano Stake Pool since Epoch 1 on the Incentivized Test Net (ITN). Even with this success, we lowered our fees in the move to Main Net to increase the opportunity to attract delegators on Main Net.
Unfortunately, Reliable operations and low fees weren’t enough to attract significant delegators to our pool on Main Net. So we decided it was time to make a change.
Cardano Dan has also run a very reliable stake pool, but has done so with greater reach and success in attracting delegators. His communication and vision have helped make that happen.
Our new partnership isn’t one sided though. We bring significant development experience to the partnership. Our recent Rewards Calculator is one example.
There are also nice economies of scale possible like reducing expenses sharing relays and watching over Cardano Dan’s pools so he can enjoy some vacation.
And we’re already seeing the returns of our partnership. Cardano Dan has already helped attract new delegators to RELY! We are on track to consistently make multiple blocks every Epoch and we hope even more delegators will choose to join our pool now that we have consistent expected block production.
We’re just scratching the surface on the benefits of this new partnership. Thank you all for your continued support and we are looking forward to a new push to make Reliable Staking even more successful moving ahead!
RELY on Reliable Staking and Cardano Dan to grow your ADA!